Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2008 Posting

Well, the Bridges Family survived Adrienne turning 14, Christmas, bowl games and New Year's!

I should have blogged sooner because I may have forgotten some details of the end of 2007. But here's what I remember:

Adrienne turned 14 on December 15! It's hard to believe that she's been a part of our lives for so long! It seems only yesterday she was sitting in the middle of the floor in her room pretending to read books at age 3. Now she does complex algebra that I can't even begin to understand. We had a great birthday party. She and a few of her friends went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks and went to McDonald's to eat. The restaurant was not her choice, of course, but Pizza Hut had a 2 hour wait. We gave her a new cell phone with an MSU skin and she was delighted.

Adrienne has begun to learn to drive. She pesters us daily about driving here or there-outside the city limits, of course, around some subdivisions. It's exciting, yet a little sad for her parents.

We went to pre-register Adrienne at the high school last night. It was a bit surreal to think that she is only four and a half years away from college.

Christmas was wonderful. We learned as the children have aged, the gift list is way more expensive for them. Adrienne got a desk, chest and new bedding for her room and Brooke got a North Face jacket, Wallabe's and an mp3 player.

Our niece, Amber, got married on Saturday before Christmas so we enjoyed being with David's family on the coast for that day.

We celebrated big with bowl game wins for our 2 teams. The MSU Dawgs did Adrienne proud and, as always, I was pleased that the Crimson Tide pulled out a win as well. I think next football season will be very interesting around the Bridges' household.

We spent New Year's Eve eve with my family in Birmingham. It's always fun to get together with my sisters and to see my niece, Kelly. I can hardly believe that she is 19! She's grown into quite a beautiful girl and I wish I could see her more often. We watched the BAMA bowl game together and celebrated at the end. The girls actually spent game time scrapbooking with the kit that Gail gave them for Christmas. They enjoyed that so much as they reminisced about trips we have taken over the years while they scrapbooked those photos. We headed home on New Year's Eve to celebrate with our aging dog!

That wraps up Christmas and New Year's. We've been busy since the holidays making new memories for me to blog....more to come.


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