Sunday, February 17, 2008

What About Adrienne?

You may notice the next two entries in my blog do not mention Adrienne. So...what about Adrienne? Adrienne is too old to participate in Upward basketball and cheerleading (not that she would if she were younger). But she continues to do things that make her parents proud. She is still in the Beta Club at the school and she will take part in the induction ceremony of the new members this week.

Adrienne continues earning CA$H as a baby-sitter. I know it won't be long before she is no longer a tax deduction for us. She'll be making more money than us, and will perhaps claim us on her tax return.

She will be participating in Disciple Now at the end of March with the youth group. We are always pleased when she is involved in those activities that will help her grow spiritually.

She will officially be enrolled in Driver's Education in April and will qualify to get her learner's permit, IF she passes the test. For those who know Adrienne, there aren't many tests she cannot pass.....except for the "getting up quickly in the morning test."

So, though I don't have any photos posted of her, you can be sure she's very busy baby-sitting or doing something at church or school. If I can get her still long enough, perhaps I'll take a picture. You know what they say, "Take a picture, it lasts longer!" HOW TRUE THAT IS OF ONE'S CHILDREN.

Speaking of growing this video of Steven Curtis Chapman. Get your kleenex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agee is such a beautiful young lady. You have every right to be a PROUD MOM! I love you too Brookee!