Friday, October 19, 2007

"The Granny Awards"

The Granny Awards, performed by Brooke's fifth grade class today, was a performance of amazing talent by all of the students. There was acting, singing and even a little dancing. Cinderella sang like a heavenly angel, Jack (of Jack and the Beanstalk) rapped like a professional and the Three Bears (of Goldilocks) moved their feet like no bears I've ever seen!

Of course, the ugly stepsisters' acting was unparalled. They were the winners of the "Best Dramatic Scene" Granny Award. Sandra Bullock and Reese Witherspoon need to move on over because Brooke is headed for Hollywood!

Unfortunately, lighting was not conducive to photography during the show. I did get a couple of really cute snapshots of Brooke and Cinderella after the show. They are coming soon to the Bridges of Florence Blog!

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