Sunday, February 17, 2008

Poverty Point, Louisiana

Recently Brooke and I went on a Venture field trip to Poverty Point, Louisiana. This is one of the oldest identifiable civilizations in the United States. We learned that over the last 50 years, archeologists have explored and excavated numerous Louisiana earthwork sites. Located in northeastern Louisiana, the site at Poverty Point Plantation includes some of the largest American earthworks of the prehistoric period. We were able to see mounds, ridges and artifacts from this old civilization where it is estimated more than 5,000 people lived over 7,000 years ago. Based on Biblical evidence, I'm not sure it's really that old but it was fascinating to see, nonetheless. Here's an aerial photo (from their website) that shows the complexity of the mounds and ridges.

We were very, very cold!

Brooke and Alexis....The Mississippi River in the background~

Some pretty amazing artifacts:

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