Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Revelation

I had a revelation today...divine in one sense of the word. The truth of the matter is that if you have parented a teenager, you also have had this revelation.

Here it is. There is a reason that God gives us children as infants. I realized today that if God gave us children as teenagers, we would refuse this precious gift from Him. You see, the truth of the matter is this - God gives us infants that 1. can't talk (that's a really good thing even if they do cry all the time) 2. are cute and cuddly and 3. can't talk. If our children came into this world talking, we would probably send them back.

Teenagers can talk and they are not really cute and cuddly (unless they want something from you). You cannot reason with teenagers -their reasoning defies understanding. They argue and they believe that they are smarter than anyone, including doctors. But because you received them as infants and nurtured them as children, you find that you love them very much and would give you very own life for them. It doesn't matter that they are unreasonable and difficult. They are simply spreading their wings (not so pretty as a butterfly spreads it's wings) and it is frightening because all too soon they will fly away.

So I've come to this conclusion. I wouldn't trade my smarter than anyone, even doctors, most unreasonable and uncooperative teenager for all the fame, fortune and even a most peaceful life. I LOVE MY TEENAGER.

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