Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day

I can hardly believe that school is officially over for the summer. We kicked off our summer this weekend in a laid back sort of way. David and I spent Memorial Day alone because Brooke was spending the day with a friend and Adrienne left for Panama City with the youth group. It was a nice, quiet day - our only activity was to have lunch with friends at Red Lobster. No barbecue - just some fish and taters.

This weekend will be anything but laid back. David is taping two dance recitals on Saturday while Brooke and I will be helping with a garage sale at church to raise funds to go to Thailand. I only need a thousand dollars if anyone reading this has money to spare! Adrienne returns from Panama City on Saturday as well so that day is pretty much spent.

Sunday afternoon our Thailand team begins drama practice in preparation for the work we will do with the university students. Who knows what else may pop up to do?

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