Thursday, May 22, 2008

School Is Officially Over

And I am one HAPPY mother!

Monday was Awards Day at Brooke's school. I had several proud moments. First, she sang two songs with The Notables. The group is quite good and I am sad that is over. The good news is that she made the 6th Grade Choir at the Middle School so there are more concerts to come. Secondly, she won the class Citizenship Award. She was chosen by her teacher as a well-rounded student with a positive attitude, a willingness to help and a good example for others. I am quite proud of that accomplishment. She also won a reading award, which surprised us both! AND, she made the A-B Honor Roll for the year.

So, the next time I blog about school, I will be the mother of a 6th and a 9th grader. Middle school one more time and the beginning of high school ---- OH NO!

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