Friday, August 1, 2008

Thailand Story

This is an email I received from one of my Thai friends. I hope you are as amazed by God's greatness as I am. I will post some of the photos she sent later.

"I don't like to write email but because of God, so i have to write this longest email that i ever wrote before!

Hello y'all! I hope y'all are doing well. It's 9.48 pm. hear in Thailand and i'm so tried from the English Fun Day Camp! I suppose to go to bed and get some rest, but i just want to share something that God had blessed me today. Well i don't know how to start it, if y'all were here with me, i'm sure that i will talk talk talk and talk for more than hour about today. I am very thankful God. He is so so good to me and to everyone too! Well, last week we were plan to have English day camp for the school around CR. because we have the team from Texas with us this two weeks, so we are plan to go to four schools which include the school that my mom teach there (it's in my hometown which is one hour far from CR.) As some of you know that this time is rainy season in Thailand and it has been raining everyday this week. And today was the day that we were schedule to go to my mom school. So last night was a prayer meeting night, we were pray about the camp and the weather. We had ask God for His mercy and bless us with no rain tomorrow while we are having the activities because we have to do about the sports outside. Anyway God send the rain so hard last night. Well today when i woke up about 5.30 am. (we have to leave church about 6.45 am. to get to my mom school about 8 o'clock, so we have to get ready early.) I remember that i pray that "Please no rain today God" but it was rain until 6.30 am. and so cloudy which mean it gonna rain again soon. When i got to Songtaew, i start pray again about rain and I believe that everyone in my team also pray about that too! We took 1 hour to get to my mom school and when we get there, the weather was so good, but a little bit cloud. And when we start the activities, the sky was start clear and have sunshine... not too hot...feel so good! Then at noon it was very strong sunshine... and got too hot! (Kim got so bad sun burned because she play soccer with the students.) About 1 pm. we had 1 more station need to do. It was very hot so we have to move one of the station into the building. While we moved, i just say "God, it is too hot!" by myself...then 5 mins later the weather start sunshine and have wind, but not strong.. the weather just perfect!!!!!!!! Then we run the activities and we had plan to finish our station at 2.30 pm. and finish everything by 3 o'clock. At 2.30 pm. the sky start get cloudy again. It was black clouds and it seem like it was ready to rain now! When i saw that i keep pray to God agian and ask Him to wait for 10 more mins. Our God is full of mercy, He wait until we finish everything, then it was rain immediately after that! When i saw the rain, i am feel so thankful. God is so good to me. He cares me a lot. Even though the thing that i ask from Him is just a small thing, He listen to me! All the way back to Church, I was so happy about this day that God had bless me with many things. Pii Michael said he got to talk to my mom a lot today and he tell me that God is working in my mom's heart. That made me wonder and excited in the same time! BUT GOD LOVE AND MERCY to me is not just only that blessed. This evening we had Cell Group at church and we normally eat supper together around 6 o'clock. And it was stil rain a little bit and had black cloud all over the sky at that time. I told nong Tek and nong Ball that it's not rain today at the camp. They said it was rain all day here in CR. Praise the Lord was the first thing that i thought. After we ate, i just walk out and clean my plate... guess what i saw?????? I SAW RAINBOW (it had 2 rainbows) WHICH IS SO PRETTY I NEVER SAW EVER!!!!!!!! It was so bright in the begining (The head) and it was a haft of cercle, so beautiful... I ran into the room and told Allison amd Kim and everyone and i ran to Pii Michael's house and told them (the Johnson had dinner with the team from texas tonight) to come see. At that moment, I can feel God love and mercy so clear!!!!!!!! I want to tell everyone that how God is so good to us!!!! So i can't keep this feeling inside. I need to tell all my friends. I want to tell my family too but they are not Christian yet, so please keep my family in your prayer! Wow this is gonna be the longest email that i ever worte before! Thank you God for His love and thank you for y'all love and kindness to me too! I LOVE Y'ALL!

Thank you again for tried your best to read my English which is very bad in Grammar 555...I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH. Hope y'all have a great experiences with our God too! I am waiting to hear from y'all too! Have a great time! Bye bye..

PS. I sent some pictures from the camp today and the rainbow for y'all to see how great is our God!!! i took an hour to wrote this email!!!!!....

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